Eye Surgery Center Westchester County, NY
Dr. Lippman personally designed and managed the construction of the Eye Surgery Center of Westchester, in 1999-2000, and its renovation and expansion in 2016. Conveniently located in lower Westchester county, this fully state-licensed, Medicare-approved, ambulatory surgery center offers the latest technology for cataract and refractive surgery patients in Westchester county. It is the only ambulatory surgery center in Westchester County devoted exclusively to eye surgery.
Dr. Lippman performs cataract surgery in Westchester county using the Alcon LenSx Femtosecond Laser as well as the Alcon Centurion phacoemulsification aspiration unit, the most advanced cataract removal instruments available. In addition, he routinely uses state-of-the-art Zeiss Lumera customized surgical microscopes with coaxial steriopsis for both cataract and anterior segment surgical procedures.
When performing refractive surgery at this Westchester county laser eye surgery center, Dr. Lippman uses the AMO WaveScan WaveFront diagnostic system to produce a detailed map of each eye. Dr. Lipmann then uses the Visx STAR S4 IR Excimer Laser to gently ablate the cornea and correct the patient’s vision. Under the skilled and considerate care of Dr. Lippman, refractive surgery takes only a few minutes for each eye and is virtually painless. While it might take only a few short moments, this procedure delivers remarkable, lasting results. Dr. Lippman says, “More than 95 percent of my refractive surgical patients see 20/20 without glasses!”

While Dr. Lippman has helped numerous patients to greatly improve their vision by providing them with refractive surgery or PRK treatments, these procedures are not suitable for everyone. For example, patients with extreme nearsightedness, farsightedness and/or astigmatism typically are not candidates for refractive surgery. To help these patients improve their vision and achieve freedom from glasses, Dr. Lippman offers advanced clear lens exchange (CLE) treatment, utilizing the Alcon LenSx Femto Second Laser During this surgical procedure, he removes the crystalline lens and implants artificial lenses, including the accommodating Crystalens, the Restor and the Acrysof Toric Lens which become a permanent part of the eye allowing most patients to see clearly without glasses.
Dr. Lippman’s Eye Care Center is conveniently located in lower Westchester county. You can contact us to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Lippman and learn more about your vision correction options.